Adding Products


To add multiple products using our CSV file:

In order to start selling on Shopfront, you must first add your products.

To add multiple items at a time, download our CSV file designed to make uploading your items quicker and easier. Otherwise, you can add them individually.

You will be required to provide the following info:

  • Product Name
  • Unit (eg. kg (kilograms) or (each))
  • Selling Price Tax Type (inclusive/exclusive)
  • Product Type (simple/variable)
  • if the type is variable, then you will be required to add a name (eg. size or color) as well as a values (eg. red, blue, green) and images
  • Purchase price (including/excluding tax)
  • You will also need to indicate whether you would like use our Stock Management feature and if you choose to do so, you will be required to provide an Opening Stock amount as well as an Alert Quantity which will be used to give reminders when stock is low.

There are other optional details you may add based on the nature of your business.

Downloading and Saving CSV File

  1. First, log in to your business page
  2. If you are not automatically directed to your seller dashboard, click on the right-hand corner where it says “Hi Your Name” and select Dashboard from the drop-down list.
  3. Once you’re in the dashboard, click on the Quick start menu on the left and select option “2. Import Products from Excel”.
  4. This will take you to the Import Products page. Please read through the notes to the top right of the page before proceeding.
  5. Clicking on “Download CSV File Template”, will download an excel file in CSV format. Use this file to enter your product data.
  6. Clicking on “Download Product Instructions” will download an excel file in CSV format which contains instructions. Use these instructions as a guide to help you in entering your product data. These instructions can also be found at the bottom of the page.
  7. Open the CSV file template. You will notice that a sample product has been added. This is to give you an idea of how data should be entered. Do not format data in any way, for example, do not bold or apply colour to data.
  8. You can now begin to add your products. To add the first product, simply delete the first row with the sample product and proceed with adding your product name and other required data as listed above.
  9. As mentioned earlier, there are other optional details that you may choose to add, however, ensure that for each product added, all the required fields are completed.
  10. Once you are done with adding your products, save the CSV file template and proceed to your dashboard to upload the updated file. Be sure to save your file where it is easily accessible. You may choose to save it on your desktop. Also, you may be asked if you would like to keep the file format when saving always select “Yes” to keep the CSV format.

Uploading CSV File to Dashboard

  1. Once your file has been saved, return to your dashboard and select the “Choose File” option.
  2. Browse your PC and find the CSV file you saved earlier and simply double-click on that file to upload
  3. Click “Submit” on your dashboard and wait for the file to be uploaded. You should receive a message on the right-hand corner of your screen informing you that the file has been successfully uploaded.
  4. If you receive an error message or your file did not upload, take some time to review your data and ensure that all required fields are entered for each product as well as the data added matches the criteria for each field. For example, ensure that numbers only are placed in fields that require numbers and text only in fields that require text, etc.

To add products individually

  1. First, log in to your business page
  2. If you are not automatically directed to your seller dashboard, click on the right-hand corner where it says “Hi Your Name” and select Dashboard from the drop-down list.
  3. Once you’re in the dashboard, click on the Quick start menu on the left and select option “3. Add Products”. This will take you to the “Add New Products Screen” which consists of 5 sections Item Information, Pricing Information, Item Details, Item Dimensions and Shipping Details. Each section can be minimised or expanded by clicking on the minus or plus sign at the top right-hand corner of the section.
  4. You may begin adding your products. We recommend starting with the first section, Item Information. Be sure to fill in all required fields which are marked by asterisks and check the “Enable” check box to make the product available to customers.
  5. To the bottom of the screen, you will choose whether you would like to:
  6. Save and Add Opening Stock – This option will only be available to you if you checked the Manage Stock Box and entered an Alert Quantity in the Item Information section. You will be taken to the Add Opening Stock Screen where you will be required to enter the quantity and save. You will then be redirected to your Product List.
  7. Save and Add Another Product – simply saves the new product and clears the screen for you to add another.
  8. Save and Edit – This option will take you to the Edit Product screen after saving the product. At the bottom of this screen after making your changes, your options would be to either
  9. Update & Add Opening Stock
  10. Update & Add Another Product
  11. Update & Stay
  12. Update
  13. Save- Saves product and redirects you to your product list.

Once you have added your products and your store has been verified, your customers will be free to browse your shop and begin ordering.